If you are considering the purchase of a GSM Intercept System,be very careful! Generally, these systems are for GOVERNMENT USE ONLY, however,in certain countries, they are available to anyone who can afford to purchace one. Also be warned that there are a large number of fakes and frauds out there who will sell you an empty box with flashing lights and call it a GSM intercept. Task Force V.I.P.E.R. has met with the legitimate manufacturers of this system and can attest to its reality and confirm that it indeed does break A/5.1 encryption in real time and allow you to hear and record conversations.
In addition, Task Force V.I.P.E.R. members have used both the GSM interception equipment and GSM Encryption devices. When you play the video to the right, you will see the REAL GSM Interceptor in action and you will see GSM Encryptors in action as well. We have tested and evaluated both technologies and can provide this equipment to authorized parties upon approval of brokering licence and receipt of End User Certificate.